
Inspiring audiences to live a life of no excuses, no fears, no apologies.



No longer living by the status quo. Discovering the power of dumping your excuses, slaying your fears, and never feeling the need to apologize for living life on your terms – personally or professionally.

No excuses, no fears, no apologies for coming out of the closets of your life!

Rick’s perspective… Nothing – literally nothing worth doing – ever gets done, sitting on your ass, playing it safe, living someone else’s dream. That’s not living unapologetically.

It’s time to scratch the black and white thinking. Shake things up. Simplify the chaos. Disrupt the status quo.

That’s what Rick does in a brash, funny, make ya think way, giving you and your teams the tools to confidently thrive beyond excuses and fears. His speaking and workshop style, takes you to the party, the pulpit, the wake and back to the party shining the light on how to take more risks, break out of mundane thinking, and live life, no apologies necessary.

It takes a bold move to live an unapologetic life of no fears, no excuses, no apologies
- Rick Clemons

Rick's Most Requested Keynotes

Leap out of your status quo!


There's not a human on earth who doesn't make excuses, that feeds their fears, and leads them to constantly hate on themselves for not living life fully, on their terms. We hide in our status quo closets and wonder why we are empty shells of existence lacking happiness.

Drawing on his 30 plus years of leading teams and guiding individuals out of destructive patterns of living by everyone else's expectations, Rick challenges audiences to embrace his 6-step process for shattering the painful habits of hiding, pretending, and not being who you're meant to be in world. In this masterful keynote, Rick reveals the unconscious numbing habits that lead us to blindly closet dwell while putting on a mask of success.

Audiences will...

  • Learn a 6-Step process to leap off the hamster wheel of conformity
  • Discover 3 "live life on your terms" empowering thought patterns
  • Uncover a daily habit practice to avoid living in the status quo
    Book Rick To Speak At Your Event

    Mastering a NO FEARS, NO EXCUSES mindset.

    Fears and excuse making are addictive drugs of human nature. In an obtuse way they keep us safe, or so we think. In reality, they keep us from playing big in life and have us convinced that comfort and safety is the root of a well lived life, until you realize that's not living.

    Teaching from his soul, sharing his own embarrassing failures and humbling successes, Rick guides audiences through a simple five-step approach for creating a mindset of - no fears, no excuses, no apologies.

    Whether you’re trying to get your dysfunctional team on the same page, navigating a chaotic detour in your personal life like coming out of the closet, or once and for all ready to stop procrastinating on the one this life you been given to live, this keynote will awaken the bold move maker with humor and a no BS approach shifting your mindset.

    By the end of this keynote, audiences will...

    • Confront two common fear bullies, and make them run for cover
    • Discover 3 ways to quiet the excuse maker within
    • Learn a 5-Step system to create a no fears, no excuses, no apologies mindset
    Book Rick To Speak At Your Event

    Embracing The Audacity To Be Unapologetically You!


    You say you want to live life on your terms, be your own boss, build your own destiny. BRAVO! So why are you jerking yourself around and giving yourself lip service instead of just doing it?

    In this keynote Rick takes you - the rebels, dreamers, idealists who aren't living their unapologetic life - to the party, the pulpit, the wake and back to the party of getting out of your own way. Drawing from his own life transitions of getting dumped as a corporate executive and start-up leader, to breaking free from living as a closeted gay man, Rick teaches you a powerful 5 part system for maintaining and living a no apologies life.

    During this keynote journey audiences will...

    • Learn 3 keys for disrupting the apology generator in your own mind
    • Meet 5 internal critics who have rights to screw up your life
    • Discover a 5-part method for consistently maintaining a no apologies mindset
    Book Rick To Speak At Your Event

    Esteemed Reviews

    Only a select few speakers deliver performances, instead of simply speeches. Rick Clemons is one of those speakers…ahem, performers. He engages the audience with powerful stories, spot-on lessons, and his wonderfully unique wit. Compare Rick to any Broadway performance, and I would pick Rick Clemons every single time.
    - Mike Michalowicz | Profit First
    There are a lot of speakers out there that can talk about these issues. Rick provides a space for real conversation, connection, and a sense of calm that allows for relationships and change to develop and take hold towards something better together. His experience paired with his calming energy and good sense of humor separates him from the pack.
    - Jess Pettitt | Author, Good Enough Now
    Rick is a giant teddy bear. He may look rough and tough, but he’s extremely compassionate, genuine and has a huge desire to help people make bold moves in their lives.
    - Grant Baldwin | Founder, TheSpeakerLab.com