Episode 061: Let’s Talk, Gay Dad to Gay Dad – Jay Forte

Parenting. It’s one of the ultimate joys and one of the greatest challenges you go head-to-head with in life. But what happens when you come out of the closet as a gay parent? Especially when you come out as a gay, Italian, Catholic, gay parent. Jay Forte, author, speaker and nationally ranked thought-leader takes a…

Episode 060: Gay, Mormon, and Fatherhood – A Crushing Blow – Sterling

Imagine looking at your child and that child telling you they can’t love you because your church told them it was either tell your parent you can’t condone their “lifestyle” or forego being baptized into the church. That’s exactly what the Mormon church ruled on November 5th with a new policy that bars children of gays …

Episode 059: Chase What Matters – Denise Logan

Instead of calling it coming out, let’s start calling it Chasing What Matters. You know the stuff that matters most for you like, living your truth, being fully present in your sexual orientation, feeling free, and loving yourself. That’s why this week I’ve brought in the Sparkle Fairy to the Coming Out Lounge. She’s an …

Episode 058: Coming Out To Your Self – Jerry Troyer

Before we dive into this weeks show, here’s a little bit of wisdom that I believe is one of the most important things to never forget on your the coming out journey. Coming out to yourself is the first step. As simple as that may seem, often, we forget to accept and embrace who we…

Episode 056: – Breakthrough’s & Body Talk Of Coming Out – Jackie Thomas

The closet door. It’s imposing, frightening, exciting, and sometimes overwhelming. Just the thought of breaking out, and stepping out, stepping up, and stepping into living your powerful truth can be exhausting. In order to do all that stepping, sometimes we’ve gotta take a step back and listen. Listen to our bodies. What are they telling…

Episode 055: Nurturing Gay Relationships With Intention – Elliott Kronenfeld

You have a guy, a gal, someone significant in your life. At first the thrill of love is exhilarating, all hearts, chocolates, and flowers. Then, before you know it, the two of you have settled into the mundane existence of being a couple…an unconnected, to much else going on, couple! Then, one day, you realize,…

Episode 054: How To Have and Sustain A Gay Life Orgasm – Frank Macri

Get naked. Go deeper. Get kinky. Whether in the sheets or the streets, these words of wisdom can motivate us all to live with joy and fulfillment. It’s in these fired up moments where we have a LIFE ORGASM. So why not step out of the closet and into your truest life orgasm. Joining me today on…

Episode 053: Get In Tune and Tone Your Coming Out Om – Mary Anne Flanagan

What if coming out were simply a means to the end of nurturing body, spirit, and heart connections, within yourself and others? Would it seem worth it then? Of course it would, if you realized that doing this kind of work is about toning yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This week, on The Coming…

Bonus Episode: National Coming Out Day – Find Your Voice – Amy Port

It’s National Coming Out Day! The Day that we celebrate individuals who’s found their voice, and who’ve taken a stand to say, “Closet dwelling, no longer works for me!” One of the key ways to overcoming our fears as LGBT individuals, is to find our voice, and say, “I matter and here’s why!” As a…