Episode 072: He’s Not Gay…But Bromance Is On His Mind! – Bob Schwenkler

Tall, strapping, soulful, and ready willing and able to help men open their hearts to their deepest purpose. But what happens, when suddenly, a new stirring shows up causing you to wonder what your purpose is as a man? A pebble in the shoe sort of moment where who you thought you were suddenly feels…

Episode 071: Show Up, Be Yourself, Be Gay – Mike Ganino

Lettuce Entertain You. For those who aren’t in the restaurant industry, those words may not sound familiar, but that name brand alone means showing up to be totally yourself as one of the dominant brands in the industry! So what the heck does that have to do with coming out? Everything. When you show up …

Episode 070: The Epic Wellness of Being Gay & Being You! – Nicole Keating

What if you suddenly woke up one day having no fear, no filter, and you didn’t want to be around b.s., negativity, toxic people, or waste anymore time not living in your truth or not following your dreams. Sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? But what if getting there required that you move half way across…

Episode 069: Will Not Fear Coming Out – Will Schneider

What if you lived life profoundly. Stepped into life from a completely, surrendered mindful space to accomplish great things, experiencing new adventures, testing your limits and knowing that through your willingness to let go and jump-in, you’re going to be wiser, more authentic, and triumphant being the unique you that you were meant to be…

Episode 068: The Athletics Of Being Gay – Coach Julie Shaw

Ready, set, let’s play ball. But what if being an athlete, and there are hundreds of thousands of them out there, meant you couldn’t be “out there!” In other words, you didn’t feel like you could be “out” on the field, the court, the rink…wherever your athletic passion takes you. You couldn’t be you, your…

Episode 067: Love Your Gay Life From The Inside Out – Ann Peck

Today were going to do some straight talking. No, were not going to try to turn you into a heterosexual. No, no, no. That’s just not how I roll. What my guest and I want to do today is to have some Straight Talk for a Curvy World – you know talk about those things…

Episode 066: The Birds, The Bees and The Boudoir Of Being LGBT – Poet Rae Monet

Who taught you about the birds and the bees? Who taught you the art of being in the Boudoir? It wasn’t my parents for me, and probably not for you. We learned what we learned about sex and sexuality by absorbing what little bit was being talked about. Locker room hi-jinx, over heard conversations by…

Episode 064: The Perfection & Imperfection of Being Gay – Katie Peuvrelle

Perfection. The pursuit of it can drive you mad, until you realize, as Mary Poppins would say, “You’re practically perfect in every way!” You are, you truly are perfect, divine, and whole – you just might not realize it. Today we’re going to explore the pursuit of perfection – the ups, and downs. There will…