Life (UN)Closeted

Living A Bold Life with No Excuses. No Apologies.

No More Mediocre Living

You're done. Done just dreaming and not doing. Done apologizing for living life your way. Done shrinking your light for the comfort of others.

In Life (Un)Closeted, host Rick Clemons and his guests share bold, badass moves for coming out and owning your individuality. Each episode takes you on a brash, fun, and in-your-face storytelling ride to help you escape the crazy, limiting thoughts keeping you stuck and afraid.

No mater if you're LGBTQ, heteronormative, non-binary, or unsure... a closet is no place to hang out in.

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There’s nothing more important, as a human being, than having the rights to live life on your terms – provided it doesn’t intentionally hurt someone else. From body autonomy, to loving who you love, and worshipping the way you choose to worship. Everyone deserves these rights. Yet, in the politically charged environment – not only...
Life is full of choices. Some easy, and some not so easy, right? Coming out, changing jobs, finding that just right soulmate. All of these decisions come with choices. Ironically, we put  a lot of emphasis on making the right choice, and too often try to find the easy choice simultaneously. Yay, who doesn’t want...
Uncertainty is a part of life, and definitely it is a part of coming out. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be a part of your journey, nor a reason to keep yourself in the closet -in any aspect of life. But, how do you face these feelings of uncertainty, head on? That’s...
For many LGBTQ+ individuals, our past is what kept us in the closet and is still what haunts to this day. Even though we are out of the closet, we suffer from the past dictating our present and future. Today we dismantle that invitation for our past to have a seat at our present and...
That piece of your that is hiding, you know the truth of who you are, is what the world really needs to see and get to know. In fact the world needs that – unless they are right wing crazies. But don’t let them win. Realize that what the world needs now is YOU, sweet,...
Whether you’re coming out of the closet, going for a job change, or choosing to start a relationship, insecurities have a way of screwing with your confidence. Truth is you confidence is actually louder than your insecurities. In this episode you’ll… Uncover the truth about your confidence and how to leverage it in any situation...
It’s time. Time for you to truly live your life (un)closeted. Yet, too often we are afraid of living our life in a way that FREAKS OTHERS OUT! To bad! You have the right to live your life on your terms, and if it freaks others out, that is on them. In this episode you’ll…...
Our intuition is our friend. But not if you don’t tap it. If you ignore it, it will ignore you. Today we explore how to let your f*cking intuition guide you in those big decisions of life – coming out, careers, relationships, health, friendships, finances, etc. In this episode you’ll… Tap into how to discover...
Rules, rules, rules. They are meant to be broken, and meant to be followed. But they are also meant to be rewritten. When you come out of the closet you lovingly rewrite the rules for you. In fact most the time when we shake up our lives we are rewriting the rules so that life...
You’ve heard it before and you will hear it again – “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” – RuPaul and Amen! But it’s hard, hard, hard to love yourself unless you give yourself permission to love all your self – every little bit form your head to...
If you’ve ever caught yourself saying, ” I can’t conceive of that,” then you’ve blown the possibility of what’s possible. That mindset prevents us as LGBTQ+ individuals from becoming our own version of a Disney Imagineer for our lives. Break free of the BS of the inconceivable and get curious about what’s truly possible. In...
To begin to unpack our direction and our desires, we have to realize that our beliefs and values will guide us or fight us. Of course, we’d prefer they guide us. In order to make those beliefs serve us and serve us well, whether we’re coming out of the closet, choosing a new career, or...
Here’ the naked truth about being in a state of confusion. You can’t get out of confusion until you get naked with your truth! Whether you are coming out of the closet, walking away from a bad relationship, going for a promotion, or letting go of people in your life that no longer serve you,...
Before you can step out of the confusion of your life’s closets, you have to do this one thing! Admit your closet is a mess. It’s in the messiness of our life’s closets hat we find the path forward. We reveal the hidden secrets so that they are out in the open, and we free...
We’re kicking off a new series entitled “Living your life (UN)Closeted. Designed to make you think and to guid you out of the closets of your life, host Rick Clemons guides you by the hand to the freedom of living your life (un)closeted. We kick of the series exploring desire and freedom. In this episode...
For too long the voices of Christians have tried to silent the LGBTQ+ community. But what happens to their voices when Christian music artists sing the Lords praise, and those performers happen to be members of the LGBTQ+ community? Do they abandon them? Call them fake Christians? Film producer Ry Levey brings his newest documentary...
As we wind up Pride Season, why not think about your next beach read. Even more provocative, why not think about the importance of having LGBTQ+ representation in our fiction life. After all, art imitates life…right? Proving that point, author Christopher Rice, writing under the pen name of C. Travis Rice shares a sizzling romance...
Imagine being a young, closeted TV newscaster trying to make your way during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Then because of one innocent move out in public, your whole world shatters. Joining us today on the podcast is three-time Emmy® award-winning anchorman and best-selling author turned actor, Mark Pettit, to share his journey of...
The journey of an LGBTQ+ persons life, more often than not, requires the GOD TALK. And even more often that not, that conversation kills their desire to talk about GOD. Today we have a candid discussion, just in time for Pride month, about the relationship you can have with GOD and all the lies you’ve...
Living your truth, and being who you are, is every human beings right – provided it doesn’t hurt someone. Which is always the tricky thing to discern. Yet, how is someone being gender fluid hurting anyone? In reality it is just another aspect of whom a person is. So live and let live, and just...