282: Wade Maggert – Breaking Free and Practicing Self-Love

Happy Pride. That’s what today’s guest said over the pounding beat of his DJing life for many years. The thrill, the fun, the drugs, the sex. It all made him feel desired and alive…so to speak, until it didn’t. Then he woke to the truth that to be desired and loved, he had to do …

628: Mark Pettit – Living your truth and being the ANKRBOY you were meant to be

Imagine being a young, closeted TV newscaster trying to make your way during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Then because of one innocent move out in public, your whole world shatters. Joining us today on the podcast is three-time Emmy® award-winning anchorman and best-selling author turned actor, Mark Pettit, to share his journey of …

281: Kadeem Alphanso Fyffe – Threading the needle of gay success

From the moment he was a young man, he knew, and was taught – no one is going to hand you anything and you have to go out and get it yourself. And as a Jamaican-American man that is exactly what he did. He’s gone out and fiercely pursued his dreams and lived his life …

627: Jamie Marich – You Lied To Me About God

The journey of an LGBTQ+ persons life, more often than not, requires the GOD TALK. And even more often that not, that conversation kills their desire to talk about GOD. Today we have a candid discussion, just in time for Pride month, about the relationship you can have with GOD and all the lies you’ve …

280: Michael Pezzullo – How To Navigate The Partying Ways Of Gay Life

There’s a stereotype about gay men that all we want is sex, partying, and drugs. For some that might be true. For others we just enjoy the occasional dip into that space. But what happens when navigating the drinking, drug, partying way of being becomes blurred and we don’t realize that we’re on the verge …

628: Don Mamone – How to be an unapologetic rebel – no guilt, no shame.

Living your truth, and being who you are, is every human beings right – provided it doesn’t hurt someone. Which is always the tricky thing to discern. Yet, how is someone being gender fluid hurting anyone? In reality it is just another aspect of whom a person is. So live and let live, and just …

287: Michael Andor Brodeur – The true meaning of muscle in a gay mans world

Men, muscle and masculinity. It seems to be that constant tug-of-war in our male psyche. Then add to the mix being gay, and suddenly we’re a mess. Whether you’re a muscle chaser, worshipper, or it’s not your thing, there is that swole that happens in your loins when you feast upon a man, regardless of …

625: Dr. Lulu – Embracing your transgender black child

Embracing your transgender child is hard enough for many parents, but then add to the mix that your child comes from Nigerian descent and is part of the people of color community, and that brings on a whole new set of challenges. Sharing her own journey as a queer parent of a black transgender child, …

278: Dr. Gary Bucher – Making Butt Health A Priority

We go to the gym, watch what we eat, many of us use condoms for safer sex experiences, yet one area we don’t concern ourselves with  – so to speak is our butt health. Sure we know about prostate cancer and the such, but when was the last time you ask your Doctor about the …

624: Izzy Wagner – Get Your Lesbian Self-Love on and Rock Your Body

Fitness, looking good, wanting to be accepted for who you are as a Lesbian woman. It’s all such hard work. Then add to the fact that being accepted as a Lesbian just compounds those feelings of acceptance from others and yourself, and life can really suck. Or does it? It’s actually a mind game and …