277: Rick Clemons – Your Pursuit of Passion is BS

Passion, passion, passion. I just want to find my passion. Yup! Don’t we all. But for gay men, this desire is a consistent rumbling that often leaves us high and dry with no passion to make us fill fulfilled. Well, today we’re going to debunk the pursuit of passion and ask you to instead get …

623: Kevin O’Connor – Navigating Grief and Coming Out

From coming out to losing people in life, grief is part of he equation. Yet you an rise above grief and move forward, if you choose. Helping us unpack the grief of coming out and moving on is author Kevin O’Connor who learned a lot about grief living two floors above it in his family’s …

276: Matt Boyles – Fitter Confident YOUNIVERSE for Gay Men

We want that gym body, but as gay men, it can be intimidating to get to the gym or just a frickin drag. Yet, if we gave ourselves some love and confidence and got to the heart and soul of that dread, we can move mountains and have a loving relationship with fitness, health, and …

275: Jeza Belle – Yes You Can Be Christian and a Drag Queen

Today we are going to church to talk about being Christian, Gay, and a Drag Queen. And who better to discuss this topic then Jeza Belle, author of Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional. She proves you can be Christian, gay, and a Drag Queen. Hallelujah! About Jeza Jeza Belle is a Drag …

621: Jeza Belle – The Truth About Being Gay, Christian, and a Drag Queen

Shocking as it might sound, you can be gay, Christian, a drag queen and to write the 1st traditionally published Christian Devotional as a Drag Queen – Hallelujah! Speaking her truth, Jeza Belle shares Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional for all to consume. Cause who couldn’t use a little good in their …

274: Kevin Spirtas – Navigating Fame, Love, Loss, and Hollywood

He may be an actor, broadway star, and producer, but that doesn’t mean he is immune from the every day challenges of love, fame, and loss. In this candid interview, Kevin Spirtas shares insights of being a gay man in limelight and how he learned to unhide himself. About Kevin KEVIN SPIRTAS has become one …

620: Dr. Zachary Stier – Owning Your Mental Health And Thriving

Coming out and being out is challenging enough. Then add to the mix your challenges with mental health and it could be potentially too much. So what do you do? You choose to thrive. A great example of this is our guest today, Dr. Zachary Stier who is thriving beyond his bi-polar diagnosis and embracing …

273: Steve Milliken – A Late Bloomer, Baby Bloomers Guide to Being Gay

Can we just talk about gay generation gaps? Why is it that the Millenials and Gen Z’s have no time for the generations that paved the way for them to be so out and proud? Well rather than pointing fingers and being bitchy, let’s enjoy stories and insights from a Late Bloomer, Baby Boomer, Author …

617: Nate Shalev – Making Inclusivity a Daily Human Experience

Inclusivity doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be human. But to0 many humans today, think inclusivity is just too woke. Well, let’s wake them up with the truth about inclusivity and how to have those tough conversations. Inclusivity and workplace culture expert Nate Shalev shares their insights on how this can work …